Significant move that holds key for better Sustainable future

July 2025 will be a milestone in Indian Sustainable packaging market. From this day, every producer, Importer, brand owners will need to provide details like thickness and name of manufacturer in a barcode or quick response code on packaging.

Environment ministry has issued this in last week of Jan 2025. Under Apex Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016, ministry want to tap carry bags with less than 120 microns of thickness. This move will help in keeping strict monitoring on loitering carry bags, polluting the environment. In addition to the rule amendment in 2021 for identifying and prohibiting the usage of single use plastics implemented by July 2022. Apex rules provide framework for improved plastic waste management.

This new rule will mandate the use of barcode and have provision for contravene action under section 15 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. Failure to adhere may result into imprisonment that may extend to five years or with a fine which may extend to one lakh rupees, or with both. An additional fine of INR 5000/- is imposed for every day after conviction.

This was the piece of information from the legit source. What do you think the impact would be? How it will be taken by the industry leaders and brand owners? The major reluctance will be from?? who may face the first burnt?  These are the question we need to know. We need to start with understanding of this law. Single use plastic is a menace to environment and this rule capture its defaulter. Earlier it was implicated that single use plastic needed to be curtailed. The next step is to stop the manufacturer for it unhindered production. This can only be done when we know manufacturer. Hence the move will provide the precise information about the source.

Thickness of plastic packaging is the crux. Starting from 50 micron to 75 micron and then later to extending it to120 micron, the thickness implies the frequency of usage here. And recyclability is the main agenda. Multilayered packaging like – laminate will be most affected market here. Brand owners may need to work on designs more than before. Manufacturer details on the top of product’s details might stretch resources a bit more but for a better environment responsible production. The FMCG leader will definitely welcome this move as this step will make them more sustainable oriented products. The entrepreneurs and startups may feel little exacerbate because of additional procedures. Recyclers and agency might be benefitted from the move. It is indeed will increase the potential of their industry.

Overall, this rule will definitely curb the single use plastic or low thickness plastic menace in the environment. It seems a small extra work in the beginning but at the end the results will be rewarding.

Stay tuned for such more updates with Taurus Packaging. Feel free to reach us at or call us on +91 96674 00924.

Packaging Design for Recycling & Reusability

Working on new technologies and innovation is easy. We just have to invest time and money to use them. However, real innovation comes when we create opportunities with existing assets in situations that were lacking before.

I have dealt with many of these situations in my career. And every time, I experience such issues, I realised I have learnt a significant lesson from it. In my 18 years of career and experience as an author, I realised that designing of recyclability is far more important and easier step than starting a fresh. I have mentioned this aspect in my book and planning to include this more in my work.

Packaging Design for recyclability is a thoughtful consideration. Before I start discussing recyclability and reusability, I want to make sure you don’t confuse it with “Sustainability and Recycling” techniques. Reusability is the fundamental addition to the features that promote the long-term usage of the product by consumers.

Here’s a list of things you can do to improve the reusability while designing your packaging.

Resealable features: Incorporating resealable closures or openings into the packaging design to allow easy access to the product while maintaining freshness and usability is a smart idea. This could include zip-lock closures. These features are gaining trends in today’s world to promote recycling. These features are evident in laminates.

Reinforced edges and seams: Reinforcing the edges and seems in laminates packaging design will prevent tearing and fraying for repeated use. Heat sealing, stitching, or adhesive bonding are a few ways to extend usability in laminates.

In Shrink Sleeve thickness in reinforced seam will improve its durability. And if you are using 50-60 mic thickness in shrink sleeves then this is beneficial for long usage.

Same family plastics: With constant push for sustainability, many companies are now considering the same family of plastics in their packaging. Laminates show exceptional  usage of layers. Now a days, in laminate mono-material is gaining attention.

In shrink sleeves such concept is popular too. The idea involves having the bottle, label, cap all from the same family can avoid the need for separation or mixing of different plastics. For e.g. PP jar with Floatabel Sleeves, PET bottles with LD Pet & TruCycl shrink sleeves and same goes with PVC. This is another future scenario that is inevitable.

Do you find this article relevant? Or you still have confusion regarding its applicability? You may connect with us for any guidance regarding packaging.

Give us a call on +91 96674 00924 or mail us at

Magnetic coatings for sustainability

Sustainability has become such a common term that just naming it can cause flood of ways for plastic sustenance in our ecosystem. Even a school going children now-a-days know feasible options. “Sustainability in Packaging” seems like no different topic than Sustainability in general. However being in Packaging industry, nuances of sustainability matters a lot. No matter how technical it can be. With this blog I try to include a point that can be turning point for packaging in sustainability.

I have been working on sustainability for years in my organisation. In fact, Taurus has implemented substrates that act as a catalyst in recyclability or support sustainability. It has been good 17 long years working in Packaging industry and trying to make viable changes in recyclability. My 2nd book – “5 Myths about Sustainable Shrink Sleeve” revolves around the similar intention. My all 4 book has this topic in descriptive or brief manner.

What supposed to be the minutest improvement in printing can become a game changing movement. For all packaging industry, the ease of manufacturing matters a lot than sustainability. Since, sustainable products require more time and efforts, working on them seems to be difficult and technical. Lack of prior experience and new technology makes it almost unapproachable for budding organisations. Hence this new technique was also regarded as “too technical to implement”.  However this is a significant move.

Usually bottle and shrink sleeve substrate are kept in combination of PET and PETG. Bottles are separated from shrink sleeves by de-labellers. This process is tiresome and fast work can produce ineffective results. Magnetic coating provide solution to this extensive work. This coating is applied over shrink sleeves and then separated through magnetic sorting. This process is noted to improve efficiency by 98% which is exceptional. Brand’s artwork is unfazed by this coating and it also ensure no color bleed occur during this washing process.

Organisations working on this technology is praise-worthy for such brilliant outcome which is supporting sustainability in executional way. I would like to congratulate all organisation that are working on new technology for their significant contribution. There are more out-of-the-box ways that support sustainability within reach of execution by everyone. It can be inks, substrates or other catalyst in the process. I will be sharing content on similar topics soon.

I try to propose solutions that are feasible in any organisation with minimum change. I hope you would find this relevant. If you have any query about viable sustainable solution then, I am there to guide you. You may even share your feedback on any content.

Feel free to reach me at or call me on +91 9667400924.

Sustainability in Packaging: Balancing Performance and Environment

Sustainability now-a-days can be termed as global . Obviously, with flexible packaging, sustainability plays a crucial role. With global norms and trends, sustainability is no longer a choice of action but the future. In order to follow sustainability, I have experienced that key features sometimes go subdued. This is often seen with sustainable substrates, which tend to show less performance compared to their previous replacements.

Sustainable replacement materials or substrates might sometimes lack functionality.

I have noted down a few new substrates, and we will discuss the functionality of each substrate in terms of productivity and efficiency.

Polylactic acid (PLA): PLA is a plant-based plastic made from fermented starch. It is a comparatively new plastic material compared to other shrink sleeve materials in the industry. PLA is mostly manufactured from corn, though in some regions it is also made from sugarcane. The usage of PLA shrink labels is very low in developing economies. Needless to mention, it is biodegradable and compostable, but only industrial compostable as of now, which is probably limiting its usage. PLA is a little demanding in storage facilities. It must be maintained below 25°C.

PETG: It is considered a sustainable substrate since it’s not toxic like PVC. It is a high-density film that gives less yield. PETG is one of the substrates that can be used as a first step when transitioning from PVC to more sustainable ones.

As mentioned, PETG is more suitable for steam tunnels, but alternatives like NEXT PETG are now delivering good results in traditional hot air tunnels as well. However, text distortion can occur with PETG.

Trucycl: Trucycl is the first truly recyclable shrink film. It can be recycled with PET bottles in the recycling stream. Its usage has increased significantly in the last couple of years and it is expected to be the shrink film of the future.

Floatabel: Floatabel is another wonderful and futuristic shrink film designed for PP/PE/PET jars. It can be recycled with PP/PE containers and can be separated from PET using the floatation process.

LDPET: LDPET, or Low-Density PET film, and as the name suggests, it has a 21% higher yield compared to PET or PETG. This gives the advantage of reduced plastic consumption. LDPET in itself is suitable for both steam and hot air tunnels.

As we have seen above, replaceable sustainable materials might sometimes lack certain functionalities as the infrastructure is still improving to adopt sustainable films. Many packaging professionals I have come across understand this and suggest that deviations must be allowed for active industrial evolution in sustainability. We must be willing to accept some deviation from functionality. Sometimes, when we try to combine functional efficacy with sustainability, it is heavy on pockets.

Brand owners and packaging teams want sustainable substrates, but the price factor often becomes a deterrent.

You may connect with me for any support for Sustainable Shrink Sleeve packaging.

Leave your query to or +91 96674 00924.

You can’t afford to miss – The Packaging Events around the world!

This month is special! Would you like to guess what for?  No, it is not for festivities or auspicious time of the year! It is time for the year’s greatest Packaging event in Gulf, i.e Gulf Food Manufacturing 2024.

This is also the busiest time of the year for me. At one end, we were busy for the event and other end gearing up for all the changes and new beginning to incorporate in the organisation.

I am sure, you too must be “Busy as a bee” during any exhibitions or events. I can’t explain how critical is to participate in these exhibitions and event. Let us continue this topic and discuss the key packaging events across the globe one by one.

Drupa : The largest printing and packaging trade fairs globally. It covers a wide range of printing technologies, including digital, offset, flexo, and gravure, as well as packaging solutions. The event typically occurs every four years in Dusseldorf, Germany, and attracts exhibitors and attendees from around the world.

Interpack : Leading trade fair of packaging and processing industry. It showcases packaging materials, machinery, equipment, and technologies for food, beverage, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and other consumer goods sectors. Last year it also happened in Dusseldorf, Germany.

Label Expo : The largest series of event dedicated for label and packaging industry. It include several edition held in different region worldwide like Label Expo India, Label Expo Europe or Label Expo Americas

AWA Shrink Sleeve Conference : The only specialised event for global Shrink sleeve industry that focussed work in market research, publishing, and consulting company focusing on the packaging, coating, and converting industries. It provides insights into market trends, innovations, technologies, and applications within this sector. It was a great honor and privilege for me to receive an invitation to speak at the AWA Shrink Sleeve Conference in Amsterdam in September 2023.

Pack Expo : Organized by PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, PACK EXPO International is one of the largest packaging trade shows in North America.

ProPak It is a series of packaging technology exhibitions held in multiple countries across Asia, including Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Myanmar, and Indonesia. It showcases packaging machinery, equipment, materials, and technologies for the food, beverage, pharmaceutical, and FMCG sectors.

RESPack : It is an international conference about responsible packaging and already a major attraction among packaging professionals with its 3rd edition in 2024. It takes place in Mumbai, India.

Elite conference on Speciality Films & Flexible Packaging – The “Elite Conference on Specialty Films & Flexible Packaging” is a high-level event catering to professionals and experts in the specialty films and flexible packaging industries and takes place in Mumbai every year.

FlexPack PLACE conference : The FlexPack PLACE Conference is an event that focuses on the latest developments, trends, and innovations within the flexible packaging industry.

Gulfood Manufacturing : Gulfood Manufacturing is a leading trade show and exhibition focusing on the food and beverage manufacturing industry. We never miss participation in this exhibition which is hub for Gulf Market.

Drinktec : “Drink Technology India” (DTI) is a renowned trade fair and exhibition dedicated to the beverage and liquid food industry in India.

Tokyo Pack : Tokyo Pack is one of Asia’s largest packaging exhibitions held biennially in Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo Pack focuses on showcasing the latest innovations, technologies, and trends in the packaging industry, including materials, machineries, equipment, designs, and sustainability solutions.

K-Show : K is considered the leading international trade fair in the plastics and rubber industry. Each time, the event attracts a large number of professionals from production, processing, and related sectors such as the packaging industry from all over the world to find out about the latest innovations and make valuable contacts.

These events and exhibition offer great opportunity to display your brand globally. Choose the right event according to the specialty, target market, technology and industry. All events may not be for every packaging organization. I carefully select events to exhibit or attend in a particular year.

I hope you would also be able to choose the right event for your organization.

You may connect with me for any support for Shrink Sleeve industry. Leave your query to or +91 96674 00924.

Shipping & Logistics in Packaging Industry

It is difficult to claim that any work is independent of other sectors in the modern world. We frequently work on projects that are connected to or reliant on several industries. One such important aspect of Packaging world is Shipping and logistics.

I have been working in and out with packaging and logistics operations. And with my personal experience, I can say that packaging has eased out our logistics operation to an unbelievable level. I can just scan and get the update of the product delivery status.

If you have any doubts about the ease of this work, I suggest imagining packaging without “Scan codes.” Without them, suppliers, retailers, and dealers would face overwhelming amounts of work and may struggle to deliver products on time.

There are parts of packaging that involve tertiary packaging, which we have discussed in the e-commerce chapter. Shrink Sleeves packaging has different ways to solve it. Usually, it is seen that shipping and logistics efficiency is achieved by resolving its common woes like tracking, labelling, stacking, storage, and cost. And a lot of points are handled by packaging design.

Primary, secondary and tertiary packaging : The best way to prepare your product for shipping and logistics is to start categorising and working on its Primary, Secondary and Tertiary packaging.

  •  Primary packaging includes : Labelled cans, plastic bottles, packaged laminate, etc.
  •  Secondary packaging involves : Bundling up the products together as a unit, such as plastic films, stretch sleeves, boxes, etc.
  •  Tertiary packaging reinforces the bundle together for shipping, e.g., pallets, rigid boxes, etc.

RFID : Radio Frequency Identification is a common technique to know the real-time status of products. It is usually seen on container shrink sleeve packaging. These RFID tags are mostly used at airports for luggage tracking. In shipping and transportation, RFID chips are read by ports to process the information.

Barcode / QR code : Similar to RFID tags or chips, these barcodes or QR codes are placed to provide details about the packaged products and information about handling and transportation. These codes are machine-readable.

Strategies to reduce cost and space requirements –

  • Light weight material : Selecting the correct material for the product is key. It depends on the container’s material, substrate, and tertiary packaging like corrugated boxes, bubble wraps, and vacuum.
  • Flat rate price : Shipping carriers offer a flat rate price where customers are offered a flat price regardless of weight and size.
  • Stackable : Opting for packaging styles that can be stacked efficiently and nested, providing sturdiness and stability to the packaged products.

Solution to reduce carbon footprint/sustainability : Nowadays, brands and organisations are also opting for sustainable and low carbon footprint packaging. They are considering eco-friendly packaging, sustainable carriers, or consolidated shipments, etc., which are efficient ways adopted by various MNCs across the world.

These topics can encompass elaborate recommendations, yet I have jotted down specific information pertaining to packaging. These are strategies that can optimize your budget and its outcome. You may definitely see results if you try to implement them.

Connect with me for any support you need for better packaging opportunity.

Leave your query to or +91 96674 00924.

Nature inspired Packaging idea

It is said that nothing in this world is new. Everything is inspired and ultimate source of ideation is “Nature”. From architecture to astrophysics, everyone is seems to be inspired by nature. In Packaging industry, both flexible and rigid packaging projects sometimes get influenced by this source. This is also known as biomimicry.

It is often noticed that the ideas of recycling is complementary in all natural process. Emulation of such natural concept gives us the key to take a leap in the packaging strategy. I am talking about the packaging adaptation in different structure, finish, and processes.

After spending 17+ years rigorously in flexible packaging industry, I have encountered various projects where source seems to be influenced. On observing it closely, it is often confused with the concept of “semantics”, however, it is completely different from this ideology. My article on “Semantics” received quite a readership and I will explain in this article how we have successfully integrated these concepts. I wish to speak on this topic in coming year since this concept is revolutionising yet to be assimilated in normal packaging practices.

  • Ideas that create distinction in packaging can be adopted in different ways. First, It can be implemented in the physical design (Forms and Function) of the rigid packaged product. You may have seen the bottom half of beverage bottle which you may easily guess is inspired by capsicum shape. There is a special reference in the capsicum design. It withholds the air pressure inside and give stability. The design can hence give major stability goals to beverage bottles.
  • Second best example is adopted in honey comb board. As we have already know that honey comb is hexagon in shape. The unique quality of honeycomb is that each hexagon block is covered by neighbouring block and provide security and protection. Honey comb board is easily seen used in courier to provide cushioning to objects. Snake skin is another example of buffer used in transportation.
  • Third, which is my area of interest, printing effects inspired by nature. Pearl finish on the shrink sleeve surface is a emulated from real pearls, wet finish printing is conceptualised from water on lotus leaves. Sand touch is easily relatable with pricky leaves and velvety petals, and finally gloss is usually signifies with shiny leaves.

Apart from above three concepts, Closing the loop is one thing which is unavoidably sourced from nature. From creation of a sapling out of seed to a fully grown fruit, loop is continued and we are trying to implement the same in sustainability, emphasising the circularity in packaging. Isn’t it exciting to know how our minutest of the packaging application is coming out of nature. Semantics, however focussed on relating the product’s packaging with accessories. We must explore other scope of packaging from nature and trust me, sky would be the limit for this.

With this, I am closing the article. I hope you would relate with every example I have mentioned. Share me your feedback on or you can also asked your query on +91 96674 00924.

PCR mandate pain or gain?

  • Is PCR packaging getting confusing and complicated?
  • Will you require complete different set up and procedures?
  • What does PCR has to offer for Indian Packaging Industry?
If you are grappling with these questions, then read on…

Recently this term has been in news in India. Government of India has done an amendment on Plastic Waste Management (PWM) regulations and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) rules for using plastic by adding 10% PCR in flexible packaging material from 2025. Brands have no choice but to accept this change and modify their priorities around it. Let’s think this action in detail to understand government’s thought behind it.

For years I have been working on Sustainability, yet it remains questionable. My second book – “5 Myths about Sustainable Shrink Sleeves” clear doubts on sustainability. This year, I had discussed the similar aspect on RESPack 2024 conference’s stage. And I was thrilled to receive the phenomenal response. At Taurus, we are also working on various new sustainable and recyclable substrates that may work as a change movement for shrink sleeves industry today.

PCR packaging is manufactured with films made up of recycled plastic resins. Material which was previously used and then recycled. Now here’s a catch, instead of using fully recycled material, government has asked us to keep 10% of recycled material in films to start with in from year 2025. This is a wonderful step to consider during plastic manufacturing and the need of the hour – “the sustainability drive”. This is undoubtedly a win-win situation for both aspects.

There are various benefits of using 10% PCR in packaging. Let’s take quality first. It almost matches the regular flexible packaging quality which you expect in any virgin film. You can also get similar level of protection, barrier performance and strength. PCR films can even get you similar result in light, oxygen, and other gases blockage from entering your product. With all of these you will get benefits of lower carbon print. You may be able to contribute to a less plastic being dumped in our landfills and oceans. And with these overall benefits, you are also supporting new recycling industry in the sustainable ecosystem. Now the best part, with PCR film packaging, you are offering sustainable solution to all consumers, and they don’t have to do any action for this unlike separating or dumping them differently.

Now, do you think it is unclear or ambiguous? I don’t think so. Addition of PCR content in flexible packaging is strategic move. This changed process does not require any special setup or procedures. It can be implemented with existing machinery for perfect shrink. This change will definitely going to be a big boost for sustainability program in India. And of course, future targets by the government are to increase the PCR percentages in the plastic packaging, but I am sure that gradually our industry will become mature and start manufacturing and accepting more PCR in our plastics.

Overall, this change movement by Indian government for reducing the plastic menace is highly commendable. It is a well-crafted move that will benefit the Indian market highly. And in near future, I can foresee an increase in PCR content in film packaging is an imminent step.

It is also high time to consider shifting completely from PVC to PET/PETG or 30% PCR based shrink sleeves. If you need any guidance, we are here. You may contact us for a smooth progression to sustainable packaging.

You can visit our dedicated web page for the future of shrink sleeve industry

Exploring Barriers to Packaging Innovation

Have you ever found your operations too complicated to implement any new innovation? Getting a new technology in existing well established system seems like a next to impossible task. Here’s an article that clears all your doubts regarding the blockage in packaging innovation.

In the sphere of technology and information we would hardly find anyone who would not acknowledge the importance of innovation, however many still turn a blind eye towards it and do not implement the innovative practices in their fields.

What is the main reason?

We have been discussing the innovations that have stirred the market. However, before every new innovation that saw the light of day, there have been few factors that have hindered its widespread/popularity. Here I’ll be discussing about “Barriers to Packaging Innovation”.

With 17 years of flexible packaging experience, I have observed that implementing innovation was not easy. It was tough to understand the situations and diverse market with reference to new technologies. I am an author and had been speaker at many packaging conferences like AWA, RESPack where I got opportunity to speak about innovations.

I have been fortunate to comprehend different market and technologies with diverse experience. It was always one thought of implementing new advancement in existing practices that has helped me going beyond the normal procedures. Let’s take them one by one and understand the points closely.

  • Risk & uncertainty:Before taking any major decision in an organization, risk calculation is the first step. The risk engaged in, may affect their brand position, growth, industry status, consumers’ reaction and more.However, for most organizations, risk or uncertainty is an important criteria for the future growth of the organization. Hence choosing the state of the art innovation in the area of packaging, can make this risk worthwhile, contrary to the belief that it cannot. Not trying out new recycle friendly substrates which are supporting sustainability and can be used with existing machines and bottles. Like NEXT PET, TruCycl, Floatabel.
  • Lack of resources / time, money & human capital:Startups, small, medium, and large organizations have their own ways of approaching innovation depending on their status. A new organization may not be as excited to adopt new innovations as the larger ones with more funds. Time, manpower, and resources are the other factors that decide how innovation will take shape.E.g. HIP Framework has revolutionized the printing packaging industry and specially helped startups by giving fast, customised packaging within budget.
  • Focus on short-term results:Like most of the shortcuts one takes, opting for short-term goals sometimes deviates firms from bigger objectives. This proves why finding temporary solutions to major constraints will hamper innovation in a big way. For instance, various brands are scared to implement new features as they think that market is accepting their packaging as it is. Anything new might trigger the consumer rejection. This fear lead the delay and competitors take advantage by implementing new things.
  • Lack of knowledge & understanding of details:In any tough situation, when we think of a solution which is innovative, a key factor that hinders practical application is the lack of knowledge about the subject and the use of technology. Clarity on the situation and possessing knowledge on the topic can push you halfway to embracing/adopt innovation effortlessly. Without these, one cannot move ahead in innovation. I have seen various upcoming brands do not opt for special features on their packaging as they think it is expensive and require more time to develop. Today now we can explore various features like soft, matt, sand, gloss, wet, UV, Gold or Silver foiled texture.

To conclude, the above points finally make innovations in packaging an expensive affair. When it comes to packaging, allocating funds for quality results may mean increasing your margins, however at the end of the day it’s worth it.

For above mentioned technologies, you can clear your doubts by asking us directly. Feel free to send us your query at or give us call at +91 96674 00924.

Innovation in Packaging Materials and Technologies

Every time, I am asked about the futuristic innovations and technologies in packaging industry, I give answer differently. There is a reason for this. Innovation can be revolting but it depends on how easy can you adapt it? Hence, answer varies with context and adaptability. How dynamic is your market and your organisation is the key.

Do you remember the term “Chain Reaction”? We used to study that process in our academic years. A Dynamic industry is a perfect example of the chain reaction. One thing leads to another and creates a different situation which can propel new growth in other dimensions. Any change in such market will lead to a situation that trigger the use of next best option.

With 4 books and 17+ years of experience, my tryst with packaging industry is now going ahead in experimental mode. I was never convinced with unexplained technical concepts and hence, writing triggered as my understanding grew.

Let me give you examples of the most crucial aspects of packaging, focusing on the innovations that have revolutionised the situation afterwards.

Shrink sleeves have created a demand that has benefited various industries and ultimately become a basic requirement within a decade.

  • Digital print: It is one such innovation that seemed almost impossible a few years ago. Request for mock-ups previously pushed multiple important factors like production of cylinders/plates/test proofs, budgets, and print limits beyond permissible boundaries, posing a huge challenge. The whole procedure used to delay the deadlines by weeks. But now, with digital print, such mock-ups are available within minutes.
  • Counterfeit protection: This packaging innovation secures your product from “Me-Too” brands. The market was previously flooded with duplicate and substandard replacement products that defamed the original brand. With counterfeit packaging technology, brands can now secure their products from being replaced by cheap imitations, thereby building consumer trust.
  • Decoration: As the market develops, the concepts of design, aesthetics, and semiotics have evolved a lot. Branding plays a pivotal role in packaging design. Decorative elements within these frameworks connect with consumer’s psychology. Special effects like – Gold Finish, Silver finish, Sand, and Soft touch are textures used to highlight specific features of the product through packaging.
  • Sustainability: This is an unavoidable topic with a major impact on the world. Discarded plastic has become a nightmare for nature and all living beings. I don’t need to explain the problem, but we can definitely talk about the solution. Sustainability and Recycling are two methods by which the situation can be contained. Using substrates or films that are sustainable or support recycling is the solution that can create a valid change.
  • Cost reduction: This is one such criteria which is omnipresent in all industries. Budgeting or Cost-cutting happen in packaging too. Usually, Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) is the one that contributes to the cost. Apart from this aesthetics, substrates, printing quality, and complex shapes add to the cost. Yet, most of these can be managed within the budget through technology. Taurus’ HIP framework is known to provide the fastest and best results within budget.
  • Consumer use application: Portable and convenient packaging that is easy to use, interactive packaging like QR codes and RFID tags, sustainable packaging for health and environmental impacts, and smart packaging for food safety are exceptional application-based packaging innovations that reduce consumer inconvenience at certain levels.Above mentioned highlights are the triggered points for more innovation in the packaging industry.