Shrink Sleeves

Replace PVC

Sustainable packaging is a topic that has various points to consider, especially when we are moving away from PVC. After collating my thoughts on the blog “Out of PVC” (, I realised that I have just covered the foundation. Hence, this article is next step in Sustainable packaging. Options that can be considered for non-PVC sustainable packaging solution.

A strategy is considered effective only when it provides solutions that not only curtail the shortcomings but also focuses on growth. Banning PVC doesn’t necessarily fulfil criteria for sustainable packaging. We need to see the best possible options that come close to PVC rather than emphasizing on its drawbacks. This blog throws light on the next best step in Sustainable packaging.

There has been no other subject in my life than Packaging that has intrigued me the most. 17 years of my extensive research were spent on understanding the various aspects of flexible packaging. Being an ardent researcher on this subject, helped me understand the different trends and innovations around the world after which I went on to become an International Resource Person on this topic. And before recommending it to any of our clients, I make sure that I fathom it fully. As a Packaging Expert, I ensure that any technique or substrate recommendation by me is backed by practical application.

  • Let us start with the best known option for PVC substitution which is PET G. PET G provides fantastic results in shrinking and overall coverage. It is non-toxic, provides good compatibility with various plastic bottles. PET G gives an exceptional output in steam shrink tunnel. There is scope for improvement in heat shrink tunnel of PET G due to its high density. Next PET G is another substrate opted for after PVC. Like PET G, Next PET G is also non-hazardous and provides excellent results with HDPE, PET or PP containers. And here’s the best part, the price of Next PET G is quite competitive than PVC. Hence, it is considered as the most opted replacement of PVC.
  • The next in line is OPS, i.e. “Oriented Polystyrene”. It is most prevalent in Japan for the purpose of refrigeration. It is usually opted for the PET G shrink sleeves performance is not adequate and PVC is not an option. It is also environment friendly but is more costly as compare to PET G. LDPET is another choice over PVC. Low Density Polyethylene Terephthalate (LDPET) is more dimensionally stable than OPS. Its density is 1.1 which decreases the overall plastic usage making it more yield oriented than PVC and PET G. Though it is more expensive, however not as much as OPS.
  • Finally let’s move on to the Sustainable and Recyclable shrink sleeves substrates. Firstly let’s discuss “TruCycl” – the first recyclable shrink sleeves in India. It is the only substrate that can be recycled and reused in the industry repeatedly. Labels or shrink sleeves can be recycled with bottle containers. The various inks can be washed off easily. It’s relatively recent in the market but has already created a stir.
  • The next option for shrink sleeves that is created from organic sources like sugarcane and corn starch etc, PLA (Polylactic Acid) is completely biodegradable but highly priced.

From all of the above options, I recommend readers to choose according to their manufacturing requirements. The substrate that fits your bill in terms of design, container, shrink tunnel, sustainability criteria and budget will be the correct choice. Running from pillar to post in quest for sustainability but not consulting an expert technical packaging partner will sabotage your entire development project. It’s time for you to ask a proficient packaging partner the best-fit solution for you. You can send your query to us too. Email us at or call us @ 91 9667400924.