FSSAI Guidelines For The Labelling, and Packaging Industry

Any talk about food safety in India is incomplete without mentioning the FSSAI.

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) https://fssai.gov.in/ is an autonomous body established in 2008. It comes under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

The main role of FSSAI is to ensure that consumers have access to safe and nutritious food manufactured, stored, distributed, sold, and imported under a set of clearly defined standards supported by science. So, in a way, FSSAI takes away any ambiguity from the production, sales, and distribution of wholesome food articles to the consumer.

FSSAI Guidelines For Labelling, and Packaging

The right kind of packaging is crucial for maintaining the quality of food items and delivering them safely to the consumer. Just as important is the right kind of labelling since it provides important product information and helps consumers make informed buying decisions by reading the label and knowing what they are getting.

The FSSAI has set unified standards and stringent requirements for the safe packaging and accurate labelling of pre-packaged food items. The aim is to make certain that any packaged food item that hits the market and reaches the consumer is 100% fit for human consumption.

And that it is labelled correctly and truthfully, displaying all the vital information about its contents such as the health benefits, nutritional value, and special dietary uses, etc.

Every company that sells pre-packed food must adhere to FSSAI labelling guidelines and comply with them before putting their products on the market. The information printed on the labels should be 100% accurate and clear and precise, with absolutely no falsehood.

The information must be in either English or the Devanagri script and additional use of other languages is also allowed.

Let’s look at the most important information to mention on food labels:

• Name of the product/trade name
• Net quantity or product weight
• Batch, Lot or Code No.
• FSSAI logo and license number
• Packaging or manufacturing date
• Best Before and Use-by Date
• Names of all the ingredients used to make the food item.
• Vegetarian or non-vegetarian (green or red colored circular signs inside a square).
• Full declaration of the calories and nutritional information. Such as the amount of fats, dietary fibre, protein, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, sodium, sugar, etc.
• Use of food additives, if any (to enhance the look, color, or taste of the food item).
• Name & the full address of the manufacturer (the factory where the product is manufactured)
• If the product was imported, then the name of the country.
• Proper instructions for using the product


Indian consumers are now more conscious of what they are buying than ever before. They read the packaging and labels to know more about the contents and only then make an informed purchase for the entire family.

It makes the role of correct labelling and packaging very important. Hence, it is best practice to follow and comply with the FSSAI packaging and labelling guidelines and present yourself as a responsible company that cares for its customers.

Would you like an expert opinion on the best packaging and labelling guidelines for your food products? Then feel free to book a discovery call with me at www.chetan-jain.com.

Expensive or Cheap – How to Determine the Right Price of Shrink Sleeves?

One question that buyers frequently ask me is: Why are your shrink sleeve prices high? Also, why some manufacturers sell their shrink sleeves at unimaginably lower prices than the market price?

So this article is particularly important if you want to understand what makes shrink sleeves expensive or cheap. Hopefully, by the end of this read, you’ll be able to get the optimum price for your shrink sleeves.

Shrink sleeve price differences can occur due to various reasons, such as the use of blown PVC instead of cast PVC &PETG. Owing to their different manufacturing techniques, Blown PVC has a lot less clarity as compared to Cast PVC.

Some suppliers provide sleeves in blown PVCinstead of using the ideal CAST PVC.

While in certain designs or scenarios, the buyer may not notice the difference in blown PVC or CAST PVC (which prompts these printers to use the cheaper blown version), in the long run, it can create problems for the brand.

So this is how manufacturers manage to get their sleeve prices lower when they use blown PVC.


Problems With Blown Pvc

  • Thickness variations
  • Lesser gloss
  • Machine process scratch lines
  • Gel particles
  • Uneven shrinkage
  • Printability issue due to thickness variations
  • Lower shrinkage percentage
  • High natural shrinkage in room temperature

Other than the use of CAST PVC, there are some other ways printers use to reduce costs by compromising on specifications.


These include:

  • Lowering the thickness of the film
  • Reduction of ink GSM of white but compromising on opacity
  • Using non-shrink inks which may cause the ink to bleed or create mottling.



Packaging is the most important aspect of a product. And even though the consumer may use the product, later on, the buying decision still depends on the packaging.

  • Bad printing can lower your brand value, irrespective of whether you are an FMCG giant or an SME brand.
  • Poor packaging may even prompt a consumer to think the product is fake or duplicate.

That is why I recommend never compromise on the quality of your product’s packaging.

Since the cheapest packaging is not necessarily the right choice, it is better to aim for the right price for the quality of shrink sleeves you want for your products.

How to Know the Right Price Of SHRINK SLEEVES?


Here’s the correct approach:

  • See what should be the optimum pricing of the sleeves for your specs, and then negotiate in the tolerance of the costing.
  • Ask for a price break-up or cost-sheet. Judge the correct pricing, instead of going for the cheapest.


Here are some easy tips to get the best shrink sleeve pricing:

Low Quantities: If the quantities are low, choose the right printing technology to keep costs under control. For example, for smaller quantities, you can avoid investing in expensive cylinder costs.

Thickness: Always choose the right thickness of shrink film. Don’t buy higher thickness if it is not affecting the regulations or product.

PVC Vs PET-G: Right now, PVC prices are at an all-time high. So, switch to cheaper PETG and save costs. Also, ask your supplier whether they have the know-how to help you shift from PVC to PETG.

Innovation: Check if your sleeve buyer uses the H.I.P. framework or its equivalent so they can give you the lowest price possible as per the order quantity. You can avoid high inventory costs.


The packaging of your products can make or break the shopper’s buying experience. So before buying the cheapest shrink packaging that can jeopardize your sales, look for a manufacturer who will offer you an optimum price for the right specification decided by your team.

If you need an expert opinion on which shrink film or printing technology to use for your products, feel free to book a discovery call with me at www.chetan-jain.com, and I will be happy to assist you.


Shrink Sleeve Storage and Shelf Life Guidelines You Must Know

Are you using high-quality shrink sleeve labels for your awesome products? You can now count on making your brand and products stand out on shop shelves.

Considering that shrink sleeves are somewhat fragile and delicate packaging materials, it is crucial to understand and follow the best techniques for handling, storing, and transporting shrink sleeves correctly.

After all, the last thing you’d want is for your shrink sleeves to become damaged due to conditions in your control. Right?

Let’s get started.

Common Factors That Influence The Quality of Your Shrink Sleeves

 Several conditions can affect and even compromise the usability of shrink sleeves. These include –

1. Temperature and Heat

Extreme temperatures such as excessively hot or very cold and direct sunlight can distort and damage your shrink sleeves beyond repair. When this happens, the sleeves become unusable, costing you heavily.

Now, with summers here in full swing, proper storage and shipping become extremely important if you want to protect the sleeves from damage and get the best results from them.

Usually, when exposed to temperatures beyond 30°C, shrink sleeves show a tendency to start shrinking. This in turn causes difficulty in sleeving products correctly.

Humidity is another factor having a bearing on the label’s ink and shrink sleeve usability.

BEST PRACTICE: While shrink sleeves are liked for their ability to shrink or expand easily, depending on the application, unwanted shrinkage due to temperature fluctuations need to be avoided.

To do this, shrink sleeves need to be stored and shipped under proper temperature control and ensure swift application to get the intended results.

2. Environmental Pollutants

Before the shrink sleeves get applied to your products, they go through various processes and get handled by several people.

When exposed to dirt and dust particles, shrink sleeves which already has some static charge and attract this dust, lose their sheen and their effectiveness to be applied to your products.

Also, incorrect handling can cause scratches and other forms of damage.

BEST PRACTICE: Handle shrink sleeves with responsibility and care to protect their looks, sheen, and keep the quality intact.

3. Storage

If your shrink sleeves get stored for long periods before the actual application, they are more likely to be exposed to varying problematic conditions like natural shrinkage of the film, or film getting brittle. And this increases their susceptibility to damage.

BEST PRACTICE: Plan your product’s packaging process and avoid overstocking so you won’t have to store your shrink films for longer than required.

Transportation & Storage Tips for Shrink Sleeves


  • It’s best to ship the shrink sleeves in a temperature-controlled delivery vehicle.
  • If quantity not sufficient for a refrigerated vehicle, then during summers, get the sleeves delivered for application overnight or early morning to avoid excessive heat and sun exposure.
  • Ensure there are no damages during transit.


  • If there is a gap in the application despite timely delivery, store your shrink sleeves in a temperature-controlled storage facility.
  • If storing an extra reserve of sleeves, ensure the temperature and humidity levels are in check- preferably less than 25°C
  • Avoid storing them for more than 180 days.
  • During summers, store the shrink sleeve labels towards the colder parts of the warehouse, away from sun exposure.
  • Avoid fluctuations in temperature.


Shelf Life of Your Shrink Sleeves

Even if you buy the highest-quality shrink packaging for your products, remember, they too have a USE BEFORE date. In other words, you cannot store your labels indefinitely, or they will become unusable.

Hence, speak to your supplier to know the expected shelf life of the sleeves you are ordering and buy only the quantity which you may need since now lower quantities of sleeves can also be printed with ease.

Closing Thoughts

Your investment in good-quality labels is guaranteed to deliver excellent results, provided you and your packaging partner follow the necessary storage, transportation, and handling guidelines.

Would you like an expert opinion on which sleeves are best for your products, how to buy an optimum quantity of sleeves with ease, and how to make sure their quality remains intact from label delivery to its application?

 Feel free to book a discovery call with me at www.chetan-jain.com, and I will be happy to assist you.